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  南方医科大学学报  2020, Vol. 40Issue (4): 595-600  DOI: 10.12122/j.issn.1673-4254.2020.04.23.

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王芳昭, 崔茜如, 曾雨浓, 陈鹏. 肠道菌群——肝脏疾病的重要参与者[J]. 南方医科大学学报, 2020, 40(4): 595-600. DOI: 10.12122/j.issn.1673-4254.2020.04.23.
WANG Fangzhao, CUI Qianru, ZENG Yunong, CHEN Peng. Gut microbiota—an important contributor to liver diseases[J]. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2020, 40(4): 595-600. DOI: 10.12122/j.issn.1673-4254.2020.04.23.




王芳昭,博士研究生,E-mail: 524302098@qq.com


陈鹏,教授,博士导师,E-mail: perchen@smu.edu.cn


王芳昭 , 崔茜如 , 曾雨浓 , 陈鹏     
南方医科大学基础医学院病理生理学教研室,广东 广州 510515
摘要: 肠道菌群是一个复杂且多样化的生态系统,各类菌群之间存在着特定的共生关系,同时,胃肠道与肝脏之间通过门脉循环形成紧密的解剖、功能双向联通网络,进而相互维持稳态。“肠-肝轴”理论在肝脏疾病的发病机制中具有深远意义,越来越多的研究证实肠道菌群与肝脏疾病密切相关,它们可以通过多种方式和通路影响肝脏病理生理学进程。在病理情况下,由于各种原因导致菌群生态失调、功能紊乱时,肠道菌群则会与宿主免疫系统及其他类型细胞产生多种相互作用,进而导致肝脏脂肪变性、炎症、纤维化,继而引发各类肝脏疾病,如酒精性肝病、非酒精性脂肪性肝病、原发性硬化性胆管炎、急性肝衰竭、肝细胞癌等。越来越多关于益生元/益生菌改善肝病的报道逐渐打开了以菌治病的新世界。因此,肠道微生物群落里隐藏的潜在信息和价值是无穷的。为了更加全面地探究各类复杂疾病的病理生理机制,我们仍需继续深入了解某些特定的肠道微生物在参与肝脏损伤进程、改善疾病进程方面的重要作用,为找寻科学有效的临床治疗方法奠定基础。现有综述报道很少同时阐述肠道菌群与急性及慢性肝脏疾病的密切关系。本文以此为出发点,探讨近年来关于急性及慢性肝损伤的研究成果,并得出结论:肝脏的解剖结构促成其与肠道菌群形成彼此沟通的紧密网络,而肠道菌群则是调节肝脏生理、病理功能的重要参与者。
关键词: 肠道微生物    肝脏疾病    “肠-肝”轴    
Gut microbiota—an important contributor to liver diseases
WANG Fangzhao , CUI Qianru , ZENG Yunong , CHEN Peng     
Department of Pathophysiology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
Abstract: Gut microbiota constitute a complicated but manifold ecosystem, in which specific symbiotic relationships are formed among various bacteria. To maintain a steady state, the gastrointestinal tract and the liver form a close anatomical and functional two-way, interconnected network through the portal circulation. "Gut-liver axis" plays a key role in the pathogenesis of liver diseases. Accumulating evidence indicates that gut microbiota can influence the liver pathophysiology directly or indirectly via a variety of signal pathways. In a pathological state where an ecological imbalance occurs at the compositional and functional levels, gut microbes would interact with the host immune system and other type of cells to cause liver steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis, which in turn give rise to the development of such liver diseases as alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and acute liver failure, to name a few. Studies have shown that microorganisms, such as prebiotics and probiotics, can improve the prognosis of certain diseases, which open a new era of treating liver diseases with bacteria. There are many unknowns and hidden values in the gut microbiome. To explore the pathophysiological mechanism of various complex diseases and develop scientific and effective clinical treatment strategies, efforts should be made to obtain insights into how certain intestinal microbiota participates in the occurrence and progression of liver diseases. As the connection between gut microbiota and liver diseases at both the acute and chronic phases was not elaborated in previously published review articles, herein we discuss the association between gut microbiota and both acute and chronic liver injury. The anatomical structure of the liver enables it to form a close network with the gut microbiota, which is an important mediator in the regulation of the hepatic physiological and pathological functions.
Keywords: gut microbiota    liver diseases    "gut-liver" axis    


1 “肠-肝轴”的核心内涵:肠道菌群





2 肠道菌群与酒精性肝病

在全球范围内,饮酒是导致15~49岁人群过早死亡和残疾的第五大危险因素[19],而肠道粘膜结构、肠道菌群在其中发挥核心作用[20-21]。有研究发现酒精能够以剂量和时间依赖的方式增加肠上皮屏障的通透性,体外实验显示经5%酒精处理后的Caco2小肠上皮细胞,其跨膜电阻和紧密连接蛋白zonula occludens1、claudin1表达水平呈现时间依赖性降低[22],最终使肠上皮屏障遭受破坏。同时,研究证实,乙醛,作为酒精的毒性代谢产物,通过蛋白磷酸酶2A(一种丝氨酸/苏氨酸磷酸酶)依赖机制破坏Caco-2细胞的紧密连接结构[23]




3 肠道菌群与非酒精性肝病




4 肠道菌群与急性肝衰竭

在我国,病毒感染(如乙型和戊型肝炎)是诱发急性肝衰竭的主要原因,而药物性肝损伤(如扑热息痛)则是导致美国和西欧大部分地区急性肝衰竭的最常见原因[50]。肝窦中的免疫细胞和非免疫细胞表达各类模式识别受体,持续接触、识别肠道微生物成分及其代谢产物和/或衍生因子,包括脂多糖、肽聚糖、微生物DNA和RNA等,从而激活免疫系统,引发肝损伤[51];然而,在恢复期间,肝脏激活调节性免疫从而抑制炎症,产生耐受性免疫反应。正常情况下,这些炎症和调节性免疫反应处于相对平衡的状态,甚至在急性肝炎期间也能维持稳定[52];但是,如果肝脏的免疫平衡遭受威胁,不受控制的炎症反应将会导致急性肝衰竭。肠道菌群在这一爆发性过程中起着关键角色,比如前文所述菌群产物会提供大量PAMPs,放大加剧炎症反应。但肠道菌群并非百害无利,某些特异性肠道菌群在急性肝损伤时肝脏炎症的反馈调控中发挥重要作用。研究发现,在刀豆蛋白A诱导的急性肝损伤中,肠道内共生乳酸杆菌富集,激活肠道固有淋巴细胞产生IL-22,从而增强了肠道粘膜的屏障功能,最重要的是,该菌促进肝脏免疫耐受性调节细胞,即经典树突状细胞向肝脏募集[53-54],经典树突状细胞通过TLR 9活化产生IL-10和TGF-β,从而减轻肝脏炎症反应[55]。因此,调节肠道菌群可能是调节肝脏耐受性、治疗相关肝脏疾病的一个潜在选择。在欧美国家,对乙酰氨基酚(APAP)因服用剂量过大而导致急性肝衰竭成为一个严重的公关卫生安全问题。研究发现,服用过量的APAP引起的肝损伤呈现昼夜节律性变化,即小鼠在夜间服用(ZT12组)APAP的肝脏损伤程度比早晨服用(ZT0组)更为严重可能与肠道菌群直接相关,进一步的研究发现,ZT12组肠道微生物代谢产物1-苯基-1,2-丙二酮(PPD)明显高于ZT0组,其通过消耗肝脏谷胱甘肽(肝内核心抗氧化剂),进而参与APAP引起的昼夜节律性肝损伤。值得注意的是,研究人员发现酿酒酵母菌可以降低肠道PPD水平,保护谷胱甘肽少受消耗,在ZT 12明显改善APAP引起的肝脏损伤[56]。有研究将健康成人来源的乳酸菌,Lactobacillus salivarius LI01、Pediococcus pentosaceus LI05经灌胃处理后观察大鼠对LPS/GaIN(脂多糖/半乳糖胺)所致急性肝衰的反应性,结果显示上述两类乳酸菌可显著降低肝损伤时丙氨酸转氨酶、天冬氨酸转氨酶水平,减少肝组织和回肠形态学异常,减少细菌易位,并预防总胆红素升高,提高血清白细胞介- 10(IL-10)和/或干扰素-γ水平,并形成与对照组不同的盲肠微生物群落集合[57]。这些数据均提示靶向干预肠道菌群可能是减轻急性肝衰竭的潜在疗法。

5 肠道菌群与其他肝脏疾病




6 总结


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