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  南方医科大学学报  2017, Vol. 37Issue (12): 1585-1591  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4254.2017.12.04.

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牛善洲, 吴恒, 喻泽峰, 郑子君, 喻高航. 基于投影数据全广义变分最小化的低剂量CT重建[J]. 南方医科大学学报, 2017, 37(12): 1585-1591. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4254.2017.12.04.
NIU Shanzhou, WU Heng, YU Zefeng, ZHENG Zijun, YU Gaohang. Total generalized variation minimization based on projection data for low-dose CT reconstruction[J]. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2017, 37(12): 1585-1591. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4254.2017.12.04.




牛善洲,讲师,E-mail: maszniu@163.com


喻高航, 教授,E-mail: maghyu@163.com


牛善洲 , 吴恒 , 喻泽峰 , 郑子君 , 喻高航     
赣南师范大学数学与计算机科学学院,江西 赣州 341000
摘要: 目的 提出基于投影数据全广义变分最小化的低剂量CT重建方法。方法 首先,通过非线性Anscombe变换将满足Poisson分布的投影数据转化为近似Gaussian分布,然后基于全广义变分正则化模型对变换后的Gaussian型数据进行噪声去除。最后,对去噪的结果进行Anscombe逆变换后实现传统的滤波反投影(FBP)CT重建。结果 数值体膜实验结果表明本文提出的方法可以大大地改进重建图像的质量。FBP方法重建的Clock和Shepp-Logan体膜图像的信噪比分别为17.752 dB和19.379 dB,本文方法重建的图像的信噪比提高到24.0352 dB和23.4181 dB。FBP方法重建方法重建的Clock和Shepp-Logan体膜图像的均方误差分别为0.86%和0.58%,本文方法重建的图像的均方误差降低到到0.2%和0.23%。结论 本文方法可以在投影数据不满足分段常数假设的前提下去除噪声和条形伪影,从而提高低剂量CT图像重建质量。
关键词: 低剂量CT重建    全变分    全广义变分正则化    Gaussian分布    滤波反投影算法    
Total generalized variation minimization based on projection data for low-dose CT reconstruction
NIU Shanzhou, WU Heng, YU Zefeng, ZHENG Zijun, YU Gaohang     
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000, China
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11701097, 11661007, 11661008)
Abstract: Objective To obtain high-quality low-dose CT images using total generalized variation regularization based on the projection data for low-dose CT reconstruction. Methods The projection data of the CT images were transformed from Poisson distribution to Gaussian distribution using the linear Anscombe transform. The transformed data were then restored by an efficient total generalized variation minimization algorithm. Reconstruction was finally achieved by inverse Anscombe transform and filtered back projection (FBP) method. Results The image quality of low-dose CT was greatly improved by the proposed algorithm in both Clock and Shepp-Logan phantoms. The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the Clock and SheppLogan images reconstructed by FBP algorithm were 17.752 dB and 19.379 dB, which were increased by the proposed algorithm to 24.0352 and 23.4181 dB, respectively. The NMSE of the Clock and Shepp-Logan images reconstructed by FBP algorithm was 0.86% and 0.58%, which was reduced by the proposed algorithm to 0.2% and 0.23%, respectively. Conclusion The proposed method can effectively suppress noise and strip artifacts in low-dose CT images when piecewise constant assumption is not possible.
Key words: low-dose CT reconstruction    total variation    total generalized variation    Gaussian distribution    filtered back-projection algorithm    




1 方法 1.1 Anscombe变换

低剂量CT成像系统中,探测数据可以描述为I = I0exp(-u),其中I0为X射线入射光子的数目,I为出射光子的数目并且服从Poisson分布[25]u表示经过对数变换后的投影数据,即Sinogram (正弦图)。


$ y\left( x \right) = 2\sqrt {x + \frac{3}{8}} $ (1)


假设投影数据每个像素间是互相独立的,并且经过Anscombe变换后都服从方差为1的Gaussion分布,令f= (f1, f2, …, fn)T为待估计投影数据的理想值, u = (u1, u2, …, un)T表示投影数据经过Anscombe变化后近似满足Gaussian分布的数据,其中表示转置运算。

1.2 全广义变分(TGV)

TGV正则化模型由Berdies等[27, 29]提出并用于图像去噪。给定图像fk阶TGV的定义为:

$ \begin{array}{l} TGV_\alpha ^k\left( f \right) = \sup \left\{ {\int_\Omega {u{\rm{di}}{{\rm{v}}^k}v{\rm{d}}x\left| {v \in C_c^k\left( {\Omega ,Sy{m^k}\left( {{R^d}} \right)} \right)} \right.} ,} \right.\\ \left. {{{\left\| v \right\|}_\infty } \le {\alpha _0},{{\left\| {{\rm{div}}\;v} \right\|}_\infty } \le {\alpha _1}} \right\} \end{array} $ (2)

其中,l = 0, …, k -1, kN是TGV的阶数,α = (α0α1,…,αk -1)是TGV的权重。Symk(Rd)是k阶对称张量空间,l阶散度算子定义是:

$ {\rm{di}}{{\rm{v}}^l}v = {\Sigma _{\gamma \in {M_l}}}\frac{{l!}}{{\gamma !}}\frac{{{\partial ^l}{v_{\eta + \gamma }}}}{{\partial {x^\gamma }}},\eta \in {M_{k - 1}} $ (3)

其中,$ {\mathit{M}_\mathit{k}} = \left\{ {\mathit{\eta } \in {\mathit{N}^\mathit{d}}|\sum\nolimits_{\mathit{i}{\rm{ = 1}}}^\mathit{d} {{\mathit{\eta }_\mathit{i}} = \mathit{k}} } \right\}$k阶张量对称张量的无穷范数定义为:

$ {\left\| v \right\|_\infty } = \mathop {\sup }\limits_{x \in \Omega } \left\{ {{{\left( {\sum\limits_{\eta \in {M_k}} {\frac{{k!}}{{\eta !}}{v_\eta }{{\left( x \right)}^2}} } \right)}^{\frac{1}{2}}}} \right\} $ (4)

k = 1时,TGV和TV是等价,即可以表示为:TGVαk = α0TV。在本文中,我们只考虑二阶TGV,定义为:

$ \begin{array}{l} TGV_\alpha ^2\left( f \right) = \sup \left\{ {\int_\Omega {u{\rm{di}}{{\rm{v}}^2}v{\rm{d}}x\left| {v \in C_c^2\left( {\Omega ,{S^{d \times d}}} \right)} \right.} ,} \right.\\ \left. {{{\left\| v \right\|}_\infty } \le {\alpha _0},{{\left\| {{\rm{div}}\;v} \right\|}_\infty } \le {\alpha _1}} \right\} \end{array} $ (5)

其中,Sd×dd×d维矩阵空间,α = (α0α1)是正数,进一步,对称矩阵的一阶和二阶散度可以由下式表示:

$ {\left( {{\rm{div}}\;v} \right)_i} = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^d {\frac{{\partial {v_{ij}}}}{{\partial {x_j}}}} ,{\rm{di}}{{\rm{v}}^2}v = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^d {\frac{{{\partial ^2}{v_{ii}}}}{{\partial x_i^2}}} + 2\sum\limits_{i < j} {\frac{{\partial {v_{ij}}}}{{\partial {x_i}\partial {x_j}}}} $ (6)


$ {\left\| v \right\|_\infty } = \mathop {\sup }\limits_{x \in \Omega } {\left( {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^d {{{\left| {{v_{ii}}\left( x \right)} \right|}^2}} + 2\sum\limits_{i < j} {{{\left| {{v_{ij}}\left( x \right)} \right|}^2}} } \right)^{\frac{1}{2}}} $ (7)
$ {\left\| {{\rm{div}}\;v} \right\|_\infty } = \sup {\left( {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^d {{{\left| {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^d {\frac{{\partial {v_{ij}}}}{{\partial {x_j}}}\left( x \right)} } \right|}^2}} } \right)^{\frac{1}{2}}} $ (8)


$ TGV_\alpha ^2\left( f \right) = \mathop {\min }\limits_\omega {\alpha _1}\int_\Omega {\left| {\nabla f - \omega } \right|dx} + {\alpha _0}\int_\Omega {\left| {\varepsilon \left( \omega \right)} \right|dx} $ (9)

其中,$ \mathit{\varepsilon }\left( \mathit{\omega } \right) = \frac{1}{2}\left( {\nabla \mathit{\omega } + \nabla {\mathit{\omega }^{\rm{T}}}} \right)$为Radon测度,α0α1是TGV的权重,来平衡(5)式的前一项的一阶导数和后一项的二阶导数。由于TGV用高阶导数信息描述图像的特性,TGV不需要满足投影数据是分段常数的假设[28-29]

1.3 基于投影数据TGV最小化的CT重建方法


$ \tilde f = \mathop {\arg }\limits_f \min \frac{1}{2}\left\| {u - f} \right\|_2^2 + \lambda R\left( f \right) $ (10)

其中,第1项为数据保真项,第2项为正则化项, λ>0是正则化参数。

本文用TGV正则化代替式(10)中的正则化项R(f), 得到基于TGV最小化的理想数据恢复模型为:

$ \tilde f = \mathop {\arg }\limits_f \min \frac{1}{2}\left\| {u - f} \right\|_2^2 + \lambda TGV\left( f \right) $ (11)



$ \mathop {\min }\limits_{f \in F,\omega \in W} \frac{1}{2}\left\| {u - f} \right\|_2^2 + {\beta _1}{\left\| {\nabla f - \omega } \right\|_1} + {\beta _0}{\left\| {\varepsilon \left( \omega \right)} \right\|_1} $ (12)

其中,F = RN×N, W = R2N×N以及微分算子div,ε,∇可以由限差分算子近似得到[29]


$ \mathop {\min }\limits_{f \in F,\omega \in W} \mathop {\max }\limits_{p \in P,q \in Q} \frac{1}{2}\left\| {u - f} \right\|_2^2 + {p^{\rm{T}}}\left( {\nabla f - \omega } \right) + {q^{\rm{T}}}\varepsilon \left( \omega \right) $ (13)


$ P = \left\{ {p \in {R^{2N \times N}}\left| {{{\left\| p \right\|}_\infty } \le {\beta _1}} \right.} \right\} $ (14)
$ Q = \left\{ {q \in {R^{3N \times N}}\left| {{{\left\| q \right\|}_\infty } \le {\beta _0}} \right.} \right\} $ (15)

$ \mathit{pro}{\mathit{j}_\mathit{P}}{\rm{(}}\mathit{\tilde p}{\rm{)}}$$ \mathit{pro}{\mathit{j}_\mathit{P}}{\rm{(}}\mathit{\tilde q}{\rm{)}}$的定义如下:

$ pro{j_P}\left( {\tilde p} \right) = \frac{{\tilde p}}{{\max \left( {1,\left| {\tilde p} \right|/{\beta _1}} \right)}} $ (16)
$ pro{j_Q}\left( {\tilde q} \right) = \frac{{\tilde q}}{{\max \left( {1,\left| {\tilde q} \right|/{\beta _0}} \right)}} $ (17)

$ \mathit{pro}{\mathit{x}_{\rm{1}}}\left( {\mathit{\tilde f}} \right)$是邻近算子,其由下式表示:

$ pro{x_1}\left( {\tilde f} \right) = \mathop {\arg \min }\limits_{f \in F} \frac{{\left\| {f - u} \right\|_2^2}}{2} + \frac{{\left\| {f - \tilde f} \right\|_2^2}}{{2\tau }} $ (18)





(1) 初始化参数:β0β1τρ

(2) 初始化变量:p0q0ω0ϖ0f0f0

(3) 对数据进行迭代恢复,迭代形式如下:

$ \begin{array}{l} For\;\;\;\;n = 0,1, \cdots ,N\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{p^{n + 1}} = pro{j_P}\left( {{p^n} + \rho \left( {\nabla {{\bar f}^n} - {{\bar \omega }^n}} \right)} \right),\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{q^{n + 1}} = pro{j_Q}\left( {{q^n} + \rho \varepsilon \left( {{{\bar \omega }^n}} \right)} \right),\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{f^{old}} = {f^n},\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{f^{n + 1}} = prox_1^\tau \left( {{f^n} + \tau {\rm{di}}{{\rm{v}}_1}{p^{n + 1}}} \right),\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{{\bar f}^{n + 1}} = 2{f^{n + 1}} - {f^{old}},\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\omega ^{old}} = {\omega ^n},\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\omega ^{n + 1}} = {\omega ^n} + \tau \left( {{p^{n + 1}} + {\rm{di}}{{\rm{v}}_2}{q^{n + 1}}} \right),\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{{\bar \omega }^{n + 1}} = 2{\omega ^{n + 1}} - {\omega ^{old}},\\ End \end{array} $



2 实验与分析

为了验证全广义变分最小化方法在低剂量CT图像重建中的有效性,本文通过Clock和Shepp-Logan数值体模进行定量和定性分析。并且与斜波滤波反投影算法、汉宁滤波反投影算法和非单调全变分最小化算法[28]进行比较。CT成像几何采用弧形探测器的扇形束,其中射线源到旋转中心和探测器的距离分别为570 mm和1040 mm,旋转角在[0, 2π]间的采样值为1160,探测器个数为672。体模大小设定为512×512,对于Clock体模,入射光子数为5.0×104;相应的Shepp-Logan体模的入射光子数为1.0×105

2.1 Clock体模实验

Clock体模实验结果如图 1所示。其中,图 1A为真实的体模图像;图 1B为斜波滤波反投影算法重建的结果;图 1C为汉宁滤波反投影算法重建的结果;图 1D为非单调全变分最小化(NTVM)算法重建的结果;图 1E为本文提出的全广义变分最小化方法重建的结果。为了进一步展现本方法重建效果,图 2给出了对应图 1的局部放大图。由图 2可以清晰的看出本文方法对噪声和伪影的抑制效果。

图 1 Clock体模图像和不同方法重建的图像 Figure 1 Clock phantom and image reconstructed by different methods. A: Clock phantom; B: Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with ramp filter; C: Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with hanning filter; D: Image reconstructed by NTVM method; E: Image reconstructed by TGV method.
图 2 Clock体膜图像局部放大图 Figure 2 Zoomed-in views of the Clock phantom and images reconstructed by different methods. Clock phantom (first column); Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with ramp filter (second column); Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with hanning filter (third column); Image reconstructed by NTVM method (fourth column); Image reconstructed by TGV method (fifth column).


$ SNR = 10{\log _{10}}\left( {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_i {{{\left( {{F_{rec}}\left( i \right) - {{\bar F}_{rec}}} \right)}^2}} }}{{\sum\nolimits_i {{{\left( {{F_{rec}}\left( i \right) - {F_{ture}}\left( i \right)} \right)}^2}} }}} \right) $ (19)


$ NMSE = \left( {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_i {{{\left( {{F_{rec}}\left( i \right) - {F_{ture}}\left( i \right)} \right)}^2}} }}{{\sum\nolimits_i {{{\left( {{F_{ture}}\left( i \right)} \right)}^2}} }}} \right) $ (20)


表 1的性噪比和均方误差分析可以看出,相对于滤波反投影和非单调最小化方法,本文提出的重建图像的方法具有最高的信噪比和最小的均方误差。与NTVM算法相比,TGV方法信噪比提高了2.61%,而相应的均方误差减少了13.04%。

表 1 Clock体膜图像的信噪比和均方误差 Table 1 SNR and NMSE of the Clock phantom

为了进一步验证本文提出方法的优越性,我们分别给出了4种方法重建结果的线剖面图(图 3),其中横坐标为图像像素位置,横坐标为图像的衰减值。由图 3可以看出本文提出的重建图像的方法与其他3种方法相比,能够较好的接近真实图像的线剖面。

图 3 Clock体膜图像的线剖面图 Figure 3 Profiles of the clock phantom.
2.2 Shepp-Logan体模实验

Shepp-Logan体模实验结果如图 4所示。其中,图 4A为真实的体模图像;图 4B为通过斜波滤波反投影算法重建的结果;图 4C为汉宁滤波反投影算法重建的结果;图 4D为非单调全变分最小化算法重建的结果;图 4E为本文提出的全广义变分方法重建的结果。图 5给出了低剂量CT重建结果的一个局部的放大图。

图 4 Shepp-Logan体模图像和不同方法重建的图像 Figure 4 Shepp-Logan phantom and images reconstructed by different methods. A: Clock phantom; B: Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with ramp filter; C: Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with hanning filter; D: Image reconstructed by NTVM method; E: Image reconstructed by TGV method.
图 5 Shepp-Logan体膜图像局部放大图 Figure 5 Zoomed-in views of the Shepp-Logan phantom and images reconstructed by different methods. A: Clock phantom; B: Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with ramp filter; C: Image reconstructed by FBP algorithm with hanning filter; D: Image reconstructed by NTVM method; E: Image reconstructed by TGV method (fifth column).

表 2的信噪比和均方误差分析可以看出,与其他3种方法相比,本文提出的全广义变分方法在提高图像重建的信噪比,降低重建图像均方误差方面均有上佳表现。与NTVM算法相比,TGV方法信噪比提高了1.03%,而相应的均方误差减少了8%。

表 2 Shepp-Logan体膜图像的信噪比和均方误差 Table 2 SNR and NMSE of the Shepp-Logan phantom

此外,为了更直观的验证重建图像的质量,我们画出了重建图像的线剖面图(图 6),其中横坐标为图像像素位置,横坐标为图像的衰减值。由线剖面图可以看出本文提出的方法重建的图像与真实图像的线剖面有更高的吻合度。

图 6 Shepp-Logan体膜图像的线剖面图 Figure 6 Profiles of the Shepp-Logan phantom.
3 讨论


在Clock体膜实验中,由图 1可以看出斜波滤波反投影和汉宁滤波反投影算法重建的图像含有大量的噪声和条形伪影,图像质量严重退化。非单调全变分算法重建的图像虽然在一定程度上减少了CT图像的条形伪影和噪声,但由于TV正则化的缺陷,部分伪影和噪声仍然存在。从视觉效果评价来看,我们提出的方法在去除图像的噪声和条形伪影方面具有更佳的表现。在Shepp-Logan体膜实验中,由图 4我们可以看到,相比滤波反投影和非单调全变分最小化方法,我们提出的全广义变分最小化方法在抑制噪声与条形伪影和保持边缘方面都有良好表现,可以更好的保持图像一致性。进一步,由体膜图像重建结果的放大图可以明显的看出,本文提出的全广义变分方法重建的图像对噪声和伪影有更好的抑制作用。此外,Clock和Shepp-Logan体膜实验的定量实验结果进一步表明,本文提出的方法比非单调全变分算法更具优越性。


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