
  • 《南方医科大学学报》编辑方针与同行评议流程

      作者署名要求:作者排序应在投稿前由全体作者共同讨论确定,在投稿后不应再作改动,确需改动时必须出示所有作者亲笔签名的署名无异议书面证明。作者应同时具备以下四项条件:1. 参与论文选题和设计,或参与资料分析与解释;2. 起草或修改论文中关键性理论或其他主要内容;3. 按编辑部的修改意见进行核修,对学术问题进行解答,并最终同意论文发表;4. 除了负责本人的研究贡献外,同意对研究工作各方面的诚信问题负责。对论文做出其他贡献者,如实验室技术支持,应于致谢部分列出。仅参与获得资金或收集资料者不能列为作者,仅对科研小组进行一般管理者也不宜列为作者。集体署名的文章于题名下列署名单位,并明确该文的主要责任者,在论文首页脚注通信作者姓名、学历、职称及Email地址。通信作者一般只列一位,由投稿者确定。
      研究对象: 任何涉及脊椎动物或高级非脊椎动物的动物实验必须遵守所有机构性和国家性动物保护法、指导方针和政策,且须在文章的“方法“部分进行说明。对于涉及人体实验的临床研究,必须取得每个试验对象的知情同意声明。所有临床实验都必须遵照《赫尔辛基宣言》的条款进行。
      论文修改与退稿: 如若稿件存在严重错误或学术不端问题,在出版的任何阶段都会被退稿。存在错误的稿件若已见刊,如错误较小且不影响研究的整体结果和结论,会在最近一期上刊登更正说明。如若错误系由出版人员在编辑和出版过程中造成,更正说明会在未来最近一期有页码的版面上刊登,该期目录中会包含更正说明的标题,更正说明会清楚完整地描述更正的内容。如若发现严重错误或学术不端问题,文章在出版中的任何阶段及见刊后都会被退稿。如若怀疑稿件存在造假行为,学报会开展进一步调查,并知会作者的所在单位或主管部门协助调查。
      同行评议流程: 同行评议与编辑审查为学报保障刊登文章质量的主要机制,学报的编委会由具有丰富研究和出版经验的研究员和医学专家组成。学报的编辑流程为:
      1. 通过在线投稿系统收取稿件;
      2. 编辑初审,审核稿件内容的完整性和是否符合投稿要求,并对稿件进行交叉核对检查是否存在一稿多投、抄袭等问题。稿件若未达到投稿要求,将被退回给作者进行修改后重投;
      3. 若稿件达到投稿要求,编辑会根据稿件的内容和主题从编委会中选取专业相关的2-3位专家,将稿件传送给专家审稿;
      4. 若审稿专家评定稿件质量欠优或主题与学报的领域不符,会拒绝收录该稿件且不做进一步考虑;
      5. 同行评议专家向编辑提交审稿意见及反馈建议(原文录用;小修;大修;拒稿);
      6. 基于同行评议专家的审稿意见和反馈建议,学报编辑给出编辑决策;
      7. 同行评议为双盲流程,即评议专家不知道稿件作者信息,稿件作者亦不知道评议专家的身份。

    Editorial and Peer Review Processes

    The peer-review process and editorial scrutiny are the main mechanisms for ensuring the quality of published articles. To this end, the submitted articles are rigorously peer-reviewed to ensure the high quality submissions are accepted and published; these published articles reflect the up-to-date research findings, with reliable and sound results, objective and unbiased discussion of the results. The journals editorial board is composed of research scientists and medical specialists with rich research and publication experiences.

      1) Manuscript submitted via the journal online submission system.

      2) Primary manuscript check by the editor against the check list, to check if components of manuscript are complete and conforming to the submission requirements, and cross-check if there is duplicate submission, plagiarism. If manuscript does not meet the submission requirements, then the manuscript will be returned to the authors for corrections and resubmission.

      3) If the manuscript meets the submission requirements, the editor will assign this manuscript to 2-3 external reviewers for peer-reviewing.The reviewers are choosed from the editorial board.

      4) If the article lacks sufficient quality or the topic is not well within the journal scope, the editor will reject the submission without further consideration.

      5) The peer-reviewers will send back the review comments with their recommendations as: accepted unchanged; minor revision; major revision; or rejected.

      6) Based on the reviewerscomments and recommendations, editors will make editorial decision.

      7) The peer-review process is double blinded with the reviewers do not know whom the authors of the manuscript are, the authors do not know who the reviewers are.

  • 发布日期:2020-09-23    浏览: 13112